Mobile phone touch screen failure repair method


· ​oppo screen

1. Reboot

Most of the mobile phone problems can basically be restored to normal use by restarting the mobile phone system. When the screen of our mobile phone suddenly fails, ​oppo screenand the screen is still ineffective when the screen is locked and re-opened, we can try to restart it.

2, transparent tape

If the screen of the mobile phone suddenly fails, you can also try to use transparent tape to paste and remove the failed screen part several times, and it can also restore the touch screen function at some point.

3. Stand still

When other methods are ineffective, you can directly remove the battery of the mobile phone, and leave the mobile phone for a period of time, and the mobile phone will have a certain chance to automatically return to normal.

If you have tried the above methods and the screen of your phone still fails, it is recommended that you take your phone to a professional repairer for inspection and recovery.

